Year after year, I've asked college students to consider what are some of the most important possessions or activities in their life. Inevitably I am met with a wall of silence as no one wants to confess what they hold strongly to, whether that is grades, money, a relationship, etc. Of course the follow up question is always to ask what it would look like for them to give that up to Jesus, or give Jesus the same focus that they would those possessions or activities.
I got to ask that same question last night at our Jr. High Youth Group and for some reason I expected them to have some of the same responses. Wrong! They gave some of the most honest answers I have ever heard. What's important to you? "Uhh, nothing.,." "Well, I don't actually own it yet...but I want to have a mini cooper some day," and my favorite, "my hair." After having a good laugh, I seriously had to think about how to explain to a Jr. Higher what it might look like to give up one's hair to Jesus in order to follow him. Ahhh the joys of junior highers!!! :)
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