Our summer intern arrive safely from Canada about a week ago now. She's been great so far! It's actually been quite nice to have someone else around the house with Matt gone so much the past few weeks. So it's been fun to get to know her and learn a bit about Canada. She'll be with us most of the summer as she interns with 2100.
On my front, I was asked to consider heading up (or basically starting) our church's "outreach" program this past week. It's been challenging to think what that might look like for a small start up church. Even just the definition of "outreach" is a intriguing one. I'm learning that if you ask 10 people what that word means, you'll get 10 different answers. Is it evangelism? Is it service projects, is it personal evangelism? Is it big large events? Is it focused on just growing the church? Is it focused on just conversions? No one at the church's leadership meeting could agree on what it meant either. But in my mind, let's get people to Jesus!!!
Overall it sounds like an interesting challenge that I'm ready to take on. It's actually been perfect timing as I've been struggling with trying to find ways to actively live out my faith in more visible ways. While I don't think this is entirely the answer, it's a good start! :)
And that's life!
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