Monday, November 29, 2010

Avoiding the Hype

The week before our Thanksgiving trip out to California, I started to mentally prepare for the crowds at the airport and began to plan how I might protest the new airport scanners.  Turns out it was all hype.  The airports were deserted and we even had empty seats next to us on our flight back to Wisconsin (note to self, always travel on the Friday before Thanksgiving and then the day after).  Then we somehow managed to pick all the lines that were not using the new scanning devices. So much for protesting (I guess I'll have to put this idea on the shelf)

Luckily being around family and friends for Thanksgiving lived up to the hype and was a lot of fun.  My only complaint was that California was almost as cold as it's been back here in the Midwest. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Not ~~~cold~~~ any more
    tonight we are up to 34 compared with your 19 degrees for Heaven sake!
    Tomorrow we reach a balmy 65 degrees
    Sunny----No clouds, no rain, nothing but SUN!!!
