Monday, April 25, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things

A few weekends ago while watching a 4 year old and an 8 year old, the following conversation ensued while driving past a church.

4 year old: "Look, look! There's a turch!"
8 year old: "Why do you keep saying turch!!! That's not how your say it. It's a church not a turch!!!"
4 year old attempting to repeat her brother: "Turch"
8 year old: "No, chuurrch. A "tuuurrrch" is something totally different."
My confused husband in the passenger seat turns and asks: "Wait a second, what do you mean a turch is something different? What's a turch?"
8 year old rolling his eyes: "It's a stick with fire at the end silly. Everyone knows that."

Ahhh...if only churches really were torches. That would solve so many problems or at least explain a lot of things.