Saturday, March 31, 2007

Toto, we ain’t in Cali no more!!

So while Sarah is off to enjoy the California sun this week, I observed a rarity for me here in the mid-west.

You know those weird radio things that come on at the most random times? The ones that are preceded with this weird electronically generated noise that sounds like “eee-rrr” “eee-rrr”, and then are followed by this guy saying, “this is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System, this is only a test.”

Well I heard that today but it was not followed by the “test” guy, but with an actually emergency! Several counties to the west are having tornado sightings and everyone is strongly advised to drop what they are doing and seek shelter, if no shelter is available they are to lie flat in a ditch while covering there head. WOW, never heard that in Cali! Now do not fret, for those that are likely to… If the sirens sound, I have a great underground basement, I know where all our important documents are and my camera has a fresh battery and an empty memory card in it. I am well prepared for any emergency.

(The image at the top was taken during this storm, several hours after the "tornado watch" had passed)


  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Tornados have been on my mind, as in does Madison, WI. have them?Preparation for any emergency definitely requires your camrea at the ready, new battery, and memory
    Therefore we will not fret. ;-}
    Mom and Dad love you both

  2. yes. it sounds like you were well prepared dr. kirk!

