Monday, September 24, 2007

Today's College Student

Trying to understand today's college student is not an easy task. The Social Science Research Center just came out with a study and group of essay's about today's college student. Overall there is a tone of encouragement from these reports. My only question is how do these finding compare fit in with the recent studies from the recent Barna research group report on twenty-somethings which almost indicate the opposite?

Here's some of the more interesting quotes:

Religious institutions now enroll one in ten college students; since 1990, enrollment has increased at 102 evangelical colleges by 70% (from 135,000 to 230,000 total) compared to 28% at private institutions and 13% at public ones. -Keeping the Faith

An article in the Los Angeles Times Magazine describes this generation of evangelicals as one that “reconciles science and the Bible, body and soul; opposes both war and abortion;…and leapfrogs the two-party political divide. All the while refusing to renounce its conservative-evangelical tag.” -Student Commitments

To read more from these articles, go here.

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