Friday, November 16, 2007

Heaven on Earth

Next week I get to lead a training session on how to share the gospel in three minutes. It's been a while since I've thought through what it means to share the gospel so it's been good to rethink what it is I really believe. It's also interesting to see all the different ways people have chosen to share the gospel.

The biggest thing I've been stuck by is how more people are beginning to share not only about God's plan to redeem us as individual humans but about God's plan to redeem the earth/world. As I think about the ways I have shared the gospel in the past, I've definitely focused on God and the individual. I don't think that is necessarily wrong, but I'm realizing that by only focusing on that, I'm leaving out a big part of God's plan and the role God asks us to take as a Christian.

Here's a few examples of how others (in the InterVarsity world) are sharing the gospel. You can even watch a video of them stating their gospel version. They don't capture everything...but they are a slightly different take and have been good for me to think through and incorporate into how I share the good news.

From The adapted Bridge Diagram

From The Big Story

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