Saturday, August 18, 2012

What I Wish I Would Have Known about C-Sections

I have to admit that I was a bit unprepared to have a c-section. Our pregnancy had been such a normal one that I just assumed the birth would be to. We had decided that we were not opposed to a C-section if it was medically necessary. But again, since we didn't really anticipate having one, I never did much research about them. But even if I had, I'm not sure I would have found out about some of these side effects of c-sections.

Here's what I wish I would have known prior to the c-section:

1. No Driving
I had heard that you couldn't lift anything for 4-6 weeks after having a c-section (and believe me I don't think I could have if I tried), but I don't think anyone ever mentioned that you really can't drive for 4-6 weeks after a c-section. I'm not sure which is worse...not being able to lift anything or not being able to drive. I guess the reasoning is that you use stomach muscles for breaking and it's hard to turn to look over your shoulder. I was a bit unprepared for that one. The only benefits of not driving has been 1) it's forced me to rest and 2) I spend a lot less money when I don't go out of the house.

2. It Hurts to Laugh and Sneeze
I don't think I ever realized how many simple movements such as laughing and sneezing are tied to your stomach/ab muscles. Wow. It's also equally amazing how well holding a pillow held to your stomach helps with that pain.

3. The Shakes
I think this is common with any surgery...but after the c-section was over and I was in recovery I got really bad shakes. It was the weirdest/freakest feeling ever. You can't feel anything in your lower body and then you're completely out of control of the upper half of you body as it is shaking. Was not expecting that one either.

4. Loss of Nerves
I'm not sure why I was surprised by this (given this was major surgery and the incision is a deep incision that cuts through a bunch of nerves), but I still don't have complete feeling around the incision line. I hear that for most people the feeling comes back after a while. So we'll see. But for now, there's a good 6 inches where I don't feel much.

So there you have it. Things I wish I would have known about 3 months ago.

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