Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer of the Insects

Sometimes I think the insect kingdom is out to get us.

Already this summer we've faced an invasion of flying ants. Raid to the rescue on that one.

I got bit by a tick in June and ended up quite sick. The doctor is still trying to determine if I actually had Lyme's or erhlichiosis. But after two blood tests and 3 weeks of antibiotics, I'm fine and there shouldn't be any residual effects.

And Matt stepped in a hornets nest and luckily just got his ankle bitten.

It really is amazing that such little things can consume so much of our time, money and mental preoccupation. It also makes me start to long for winter when bugs disappear for a few months. But I have to remind myself that this has not been normal. Usually we're just dealing with a mosquito or two and a stray spider running across our walls. It makes me wonder if we've somehow offended the bug kingdom this past year.

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