Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Chicago Review

Our quick trip to Chicago proved to be quite entertaining. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Went to pick up the rental car and had to wait 30 minutes because the manager set his alarm clock wrong and was the only one with keys to the building. So we spent that talking with the freaking out sales representatives trying to assure them that we were not about to strangle them for their boss's incompetence. However the upgrade we got out of that was quite nice.
  • Discovered a wonderful Bosnian restaurant, "Restaurant Sarajevo". We had tasty cavapi and were the only non Bosnians in the restaurant. It was like a piece of heaven.
  • Roamed around Chicago with Natalie and her friends. We were with Natalie...need I say more :)
  • Ate dinner while watching about 10 red hat ladies (who were about 50 years old) dance around the streets of Chicago dressed up in twenties clothing. If that's not a good time, I don't know what is.
  • Made it to our hotel at about 11pm only to find that we had been selected as the guests of the day and therefore received a complimentary upgrade in our room to an executive suite and got free parking. I think I might have just become a Hyatt fan for life.
  • Got to see some dear friends from Santa Barbara who are now living out in the Chicago suburbs on Sunday.

Overall, it was a trip that was good for the soul. If you want to see more pictures of the trip you can click here.


  1. hi sarah and kirk:)
    good to see some pics and some of the old pics with the san mig gang:)
    hope things are well, gwen

  2. It wasn't quite the same since you weren't there :)
